Merry Christmas! Nadolig Llawen! Joyeux Noel!
I swear I have photos, but I can't find my camera at the moment so until then there's no new posts. Sorry! I'm searching!
Nadolig Llawen!
A few pics from Boston and Antietam
And I put on nylons for this?
Today we attempted to go out to dinner. We got all dressed up and then headed downtown. First, we missed the exit because of some lady getting on the freeway going 20 miles an hour so we had to go up an exit and turn around. Of course, we encountered about 30 more bad drivers just trying to turn around so Curt got frustrated. Then, he accidently took the wrong exit and ended up back on the main freeway. So, we decide to go through downtown.
No Leashes and Lots of Mud
It's been raining on and off for the last 3 or 4 days now. My sweet cuddly dogs are now covered in tons of mud. I have to let them play on tile until the mud turns to dirt and most of it falls of even before I can let them walk to their kennels. It's nuts! Anyway, the photos are of what Napoleon looked like after 10 minutes in the rain and mud without even rolling in it. It could have been much worst.
We're on our second day of rain. I thought you might enjoy what chances of slight showers looks like out here:

Dresses and Plane's
Today I got some new dresses for the wedding events.
Our Trip to the Zoo
Lil' Terror
I've been sitting at home all day for a week waiting for the postman to bring me my save the date cards since I have to sign for them. Well, apparently they haven't even printed them yet. She said she was waiting on me to get a sample of the paper. I got the sample a week and a half ago, but I didn't know she was waiting on me for that. I looked through all of our e-mails and the letter she sent me and everything and there's no mention of me needing to respond. I agreed to everything and told her to start printing 2 weeks ago. Now I have to wait even longer for these cards. GRRRRR....
One of my more recent goals is for me to take more photos. Hopefully I manage to remember my camera when I go out so that I can post some for you.
Anyway, on Friday I noticed that a few leaves on the trees were actually starting to change colors. It's really beautiful, especially since most of the leaves in So Cal don't change colors in the fall. Then, when I went outside last night I noticed that the first of the colorful leaves had fallen off of the tree. I decided to pick it up and I'm hoping to preserve it by doing one of those projects I use to do in elementary school. Does anyone remember how? ...because I don't! =) While I'm really excited about experiencing fall, I'm also thinking about the fact that fall means we're going to have to rake leaves soon. Hopefully Curt decides he'll do the raking. =)
Volunteer Landing
Gay Street Bridge
Wishing he had a fishing pole
The Signing of the Treaty of Holston 1791 (The treaty was between the United States and the Cherokee Nation. And, of course the treaty didn't stop the Trail of Tears.)
Sex, Time, and Power
So, I was reading Leonard Shlain's Sex, Time, and Power How Women's Sexuality Shaped Human Evolution. I'm not the one to go out of my way to read something located in the Women's lit section, but it's Leonard Shlain! The same guy who wrote Art and Physics and the Alphabet Verses the Goddess, two books that should be read immediatly by everyone. Before the very first chapter he wrote something that I thought most of the Coulsbyites would find entertaining so I thought I'd repost it for ya'll.
"The emergence approximately 150,000 years ago of Homo sapiens, an animal that opened a chasm between it and all other species, was as improbable an event as coming upon a nude Caucasian woman reclining on an Empire couch in the middle of the jungle."
The painting is Henri Rousseau's The Dream.
When I first got to Tennessee I found some fabrics that I loved. But since I've just started learning how to piece things together or even use a sewing machine I thought that I'd start small so I made some placemats out the material. I'm really proud of these because I figured out how to line up the squares all by myself. It made me feel accomplished. Not like I'm a great sewer or anything, but by the end of the project I had even managed to sew straight lines and control the speed of the machine. Too bad I haven't been able to make anymore since I've been moving and I haven't gotten to set up my sewing maching yet. Hopefully in the next few weeks I'll be able to make more stuff. I'm going to make a Wildlife in a Jar quilt on my next attempt. It'll be very summery.

Child's Apron
I saw a picture of my cousin helping make cookies with her mother. She was covered in flour and dough. It was really cute, but she was in need of an apron. So, while my sewing skills are limited, I thought that I would attempt to make one for her. I had so much fun making it that I thought about attempting one for myself. This even has two little pockets for her in the front.