Toy Story 3 ★★★

I thought the movie was okay. I've never been a big Toy Story fan. I hated the first one, but enjoyed the second one. It took me a little while to get into this one, but toward the end I really managed to sucked in. There's something about the villains in these movies that creep me out. Granted, one of them is cute and cuddly, but the other one would give me nightmares as a child. I really don't understand how children watch these without being freaked out by their toys.

The premise of the story is that Andy is all grown up and going away to college. His mother tells him to clean out his room and through a series of unfortunate events the toys end up going to daycare. They're happy with their new surroundings until they meet the children who are all way too young to play with their toys in the proper fashion. After taking quite a beating they must try and escape, but that's not so easy.

Girl With the Dragon Tattoo ★★★★★

I just finished watching the Swedish version of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and I loved it. I found it to be very interesting despite the fact that I'm blind enough that I had to sit right in front of the TV to be able to read the subtitles. Also, whenever our Great Dane stood up we missed a few sentences. I suddenly feel bad for ignoring the book. I wish I would have picked it up a long time ago. Luckily, a book group that I'm in will be reading it during July and I'm sure that I will then consume the entire series. I look forward to the mysteries.

The premise of the story is that an old man has asked a reporter to look into a 40 year old murder case that no one seems to have been able to solve. The man suspects that the murderer is one of his family members and would like to see some resolution before his own death. The reporter begins to uncover a story that is bigger than expected with the help of an unlikely source - the girl with the dragon tattoo. The movie is not suitable for children, as some scenes were very difficult to watch.

The DVD will be released on Tuesday for those of you who would like to watch. However, if you want to see it in English you will have to wait. It is currently in pre-production mode and they are making casting decisions. Currently there are a lot of big names interested in obtaining roles in the film. I'm looking forward to it.

Computer Room

My computer room has been a mess since about a month after we moved into our home. It seems to be our dumping ground when we don't know where to put something. I've decided that I'm clearing out the room. Cleaning it hasn't helped so I'm going to move the whole room into the guest bedroom. It will force me to do a few things:
1) Get the wallpaper off the wall
2) Finally paint the room
3) Get all of the popcorn off the ceiling
4) Go through every single piece of paper I own and trash everything that is now useless
5) Hopefully find a home for everything
6) Force my husband to want to strangle me since the project will get started, but never finished =)

Wish me luck!

May 10 Book

I've kind of forgotten that I had a blog until recently. Sorry. It's not like any of you actually read this or anything posted here is important so I guess that's okay. =)
Anyway, out of all the books I've been reading recently, and there have been a lot... The only one that I've given 5 stars to since the Frost book has been:

Ilona Andrews' Magic Bleeds


It's the 4th book in a series and it's my favorite of the series as well. I fought reading this series. The covers are so tacky and I didn't expect much from them. The first book took a while to get interesting. The second one got better and so forth. With her newest book, I was excited, nervous, frustrated, happy... I enjoyed the emotional roller coaster. if you looking for entertainment then this is a good read.

Other recommendations:

The Body Finder
- Kimberly Derting

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I have a BA in Humanities with a double major in History and Art History and I'm currently getting my Masters of Education. I'm recently married and I'm so glad to be done with all of the planning. Some days I feel like my pets run my life, but then so does work at times.

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