Nadolig Llawen!

Merry Christmas! Nadolig Llawen! Joyeux Noel!

I swear I have photos, but I can't find my camera at the moment so until then there's no new posts. Sorry! I'm searching!


Why does the glue on envelopes have to taste so nasty? Ick!


My Christmas Present - a rescued Great Dane/ Dobbie mix:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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About Me

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I have a BA in Humanities with a double major in History and Art History and I'm currently getting my Masters of Education. I'm recently married and I'm so glad to be done with all of the planning. Some days I feel like my pets run my life, but then so does work at times.

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Heather Tisdale's  book recommendations, reviews, favorite quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists
