The Hollow ★★

The Hollow - Jessica Verday ★★ 515 pgs

Abbey's best friend has passed away and she's having problems coping. She wonders around, not really paying attention to things going on around her. She doesn't want to admit that her friend is gone. Then, she meets the mysterious Caspian. He keeps randomly appearing and Abbey is falling for him, but there's something strange about their relationship. Despite that, Abbey is starting to find her place again. She's trying to move forward, but she's also trying to figure out how her friend died. In the town of Sleepy Hollow, anything could have happened.

Apparently this is the first of a trilogy. I'll give book two a try, but if it's not any good, I won't finish the series. At first, I felt like the book was a little like Fallen by Lauren Kate. It was long and drawn out, not much is happening, and you really don't figure anything out until the end. However, the end was horrible. Maybe if I had read the original Legend of Sleepy Hollow book it would make sense, maybe not... All I know is I feel like I've wasted time. The fact that there's a second book means that there might just be time to redeem the series, but I won't go into book two being hopeful.
Some of the events in the story were predictable, but there really wasn't any resolve within book one. The main character just walks away fro the story and fails to deal with anything that has unfolded. I kept hoping it would get better, but it's all rather bland drama. There's an opportunity for a romantic element, but that's left unresolved as well. I'm rather amazed that this book managed to get published. I think it sold copies because it has a decent cover.


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I have a BA in Humanities with a double major in History and Art History and I'm currently getting my Masters of Education. I'm recently married and I'm so glad to be done with all of the planning. Some days I feel like my pets run my life, but then so does work at times.

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