September '10 Book

Gail Carriger's Soulless

Alexia Tarabotti is soulless. She's the only one of her kind living in London. She's able to nullify the powers of a vampire, or a werewolf with just her touch. She's stubborn and refuses to follow the social norms of the Victorian Era, making her an oddity. Alexia is attacked by a vampire and kills him in self-defense. Then, vampires and were's start going missing in the area. Some think that she might be responsible, or at least have some insight into the situation. Lord Maccon, a were, tries to keep Miss Tarabotti from snooping, and getting into even more trouble, but that's near impossible when she keeps ending up in the middle of it all.
I went into this expecting to hate it. It's a genre called Steampunk. "The term denotes fictional works set in an era or world where steam power is still widely used—usually the 19th century, and often Victorian era Britain—but with prominent elements of either science fiction or fantasy, often featuring anachronistic technology or futuristic innovations as the people of this historical period would have envisioned them to look like, i.e. based on a Victorian perspective on fashion, culture, architectural style, art, etc." (Copied from a friend who didn't site their source.) It seems like this genre is either hit or miss with people. Some love it, but others can't get into it. I didn't like my first steampunk novel. It took place in the Victorian era, but it didn't feel Victorian. It felt like the author was reaching and trying to force a modern story into a bygone era. Carriger managed to make you feel like you were in a different era. I loved the relationship between Maccon and Tarabotti. They just get on each others nerves and it reminds me of Kate and Curran from Ilona Andrews' Kate Daniels series. I also loved the hedgehog issue. (I've always wanted one.) =) Alexia was sassy and strong and I liked that about her. I look forward to reading the next 2 in the series.
I don't think this is the best Book of the Month, but it's the best one I finished in September.

Also, FYI, starting in October I'm going to start posting books and review on this blog rather than carry on with two blogs.


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I have a BA in Humanities with a double major in History and Art History and I'm currently getting my Masters of Education. I'm recently married and I'm so glad to be done with all of the planning. Some days I feel like my pets run my life, but then so does work at times.

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